Gallery of Quilts

Kaleidoscope of Colors Quilt!

Hello Fellow Followers,

It’s May, yay the flowers, are in full bloom and the birds, are everywhere! I love this time of year. When the world is teaming with life and vibrant colors along with rich hues of the rainbow!

I want to share with you all, a gorgeous Alison Glass, square on square quilt. That Sally sent.

This quilt, makes me so happy! It’s rich variety of Alison Glass, fabrics made quilting each square a real treat!

I tried getting some good pictures but the famous PNW wind, had to arrive at the same time that picture time was happening!

I was only able to snap a few pictures. I hope you enjoy them.

Thank you Sally, it was a pleasure working with you again!

Until next time have a Sew Happy Day!


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